The Houston Recovery Center is a nonprofit organization with a sobering center to provide sobering services and support programs for intoxicated individuals. We welcome all to participate in one of our substance use disorder sobering center tours to see how we help people with substance use disorder in the state of Texas.

A Go-To Resource for Texas Law Enforcement

Our doors are open 24/7, and we gladly provide our services to individuals on a walk-in basis. However, the Houston Recovery Center is also an alternative to jail for public intoxication.  As you will see from our substance use disorder sobering center tours, the Houston Recovery Center provides an avenue for law enforcement to avoid:

  • Using limited jail space to house intoxicated individuals.
  • Spending time away from their beats to book intoxicated individuals.
  • Diverting resources toward medical attention and supervision.
  • And more.

Instead of going through local jails, they can come to our facility, where we supervise intoxicated individuals and help them to sober up safely. Not only do we spare law enforcement resources, but we provide both short and long-term assistance for our clients. You can learn the ins and outs of our jail diversion program with our substance use disorder sobering center tours in Texas.

Care Coordination Planning Team

It was the 18th visit for Marcus. The sobering center had just opened. He was the first client and the most frequent to be admitted by law enforcement...

National Sobering

A national collaborative where leaders of sobering centers, stakeholders and constituents gather at an annual summit to share best practices...

Houston Recovery

While society focuses on the ravages of addiction, the Houston Recovery Initiative redirects activity to recovery solutions cultivating the soil of social understanding...


We do not and cannot do this work alone. Our community service providers deliver the addiction treatment and recovery services that make up our program.

We offer Free Sobering Facility Tours

Whether you’re from Texas or elsewhere, we welcome all to participate in our free sobering facility tours. This is a great way to become acquainted with our facility and programs and even find ways you can help or how you can bring this program to your home city.

It’s important to our team to offer these substance use disorder sobering center tours as it helps our Texas community develop a better understanding of what addiction is, how to treat substance use disorder, and what kinds of recovery programs are available for those in need. 

Contact Us

The Houston Recovery Center is available – whether you need to use us for yourself, a loved one or simply would like to check out one of our Texas substance use disorder sobering center tours. Contact our staff for help.