From the Heart
The Houston Recovery Center BlogHouston Recovery Center Wins Silver Anthem Award
21 NOVEMBER 2024, HOUSTON, TEXAS: Houston Recovery Center (HRC or the “Company”), a provider of compassionate care, intervention and community care coordination to underserved individuals affected by substance use today announces that it has won a Silver Award for...
Jacket Drive: Help Us Keep Houston’s Homeless Warm This Winter!
This winter, the Team at the Houston Recovery Center is organizing a Jacket Drive to support our homeless community. Every day, our community health workers and interns see firsthand the struggles many people face trying to stay warm during the colder months. That’s...
Houston Recovery Center Has Been Honored as a Finalist in Health-Product, Innovation, Service Category (nonprofit) in the 4th Annual Anthem Awards
21 OCTOBER 2024, HOUSTON, TEXAS: Houston Recovery Center (HRC or the “Company”), a provider of compassionate care, intervention and community care coordination to underserved individuals affected by substance use, today announces that HRC has been named a Finalist in...
Houston Recovery Center Establishes an Additional Mental Health Capability
26 AUGUST 2024, HOUSTON, TEXAS: Houston Recovery Center (HRC or the “Company”), a provider of compassionate care, intervention and community care coordination to underserved individuals affected by substance use announces the establishment of the addition of a mental...
Leonard Kincaid, Houston Recovery Center CEO, Among Those Recognized as Houston’s Top CEOs
30 AUGUST 2024, HOUSTON, TEXAS: Leonard Kincaid, Houston Recovery Center (HRC) CEO, was among those celebrated as Houston Top CEOs who are making an indelible mark on their organization's financial success, work culture and contributions to the community. This...
Houston Recovery Center Celebrates Its First Decade of Success Combating Substance Use
Houston Recovery Center (HRC), a provider of compassionate care, offering intervention and community care coordination to underserved individuals affected by substance use announces its banner impact over 10 years for program and service successes for those individuals dealing with periodic and habitual substance use challenges

30 Fascinating Alcohol Facts: Debunking Myths and Unveiling the Truths
Alcohol, a widely consumed substance, has both its benefits and potential pitfalls. In this article, we delve into 30 intriguing facts about alcohol, exploring its immediate and long-term effects on the body. Additionally, we debunk common myths associated with alcohol consumption, shedding light on the truths that can help you make informed choices.

Breaking the Barriers: Dispelling Misconceptions about Alcohol Use Disorder
Alcohol use disorder is a prevalent condition that affects millions of adults in the U.S. However, there are widespread misconceptions surrounding this issue, often leading to misunderstandings and stigma. In this enlightening article, we uncover the truth about alcohol use disorder and challenge common myths that can hinder understanding and treatment.

Debunking Myths About Drinking Alcohol: Separating Fact from Fiction
Excessive alcohol consumption continues to be a concern, surrounded by persistent myths and misconceptions. In this eye-opening article, we uncover the truth about drinking and drinking problems, empowering readers to make informed and healthy decisions regarding alcohol use.

Houston Recovery Center Re-Launches “Plan A Good Time,” Campaign To Specifically Reflect Rodeo Celebrations, To Reduce DUI/DWI Fatalities
Houston Recovery Center Re-Launches “Plan A Good Time” Campaign.