Client Success Stories

Escaping the grip of addiction. Our clients reveal the moment recovery became real and how they have reclaimed their lives.

Client Success Story: Horace W.

Hiding as a Functioning Alcoholic

Quitting It All to Create a New Life

before: Horace’s story is that of a functioning alcoholic, which ultimately turned out of control. He worked at Marriott Marquis downtown managing the front lobby and 71 employees. His life centered around socializing and drinking at bars. Horace wrecked three cars while driving under the influence. Law enforcement brought him to Houston Recovery Center’s sobering center in October 2019 after he was found intoxicated standing in the middle of the road. He went again a few weeks later. He knew it was more than a bad night.

after: Horace achieved a year sobriety November 8, 2020, and completed a skydiving jump to celebrate. He graduated from the seven-month in-patient substance abuse program at Open Door Mission and now works as their Education and Career Guidance Manager. He continues meeting with his recovery coach, John Turner, at Houston Recovery Center, as part of the 18-month Partners in Recovery program. He has his sights on earning a Master’s in Accounting and opening a tax firm that helps underprivileged communities.

“I took solace knowing this is me taking care of myself. And putting myself first — something I’ve never done.”

client story. Horace White cropped

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Lawrence Montgomery

Lawrence Montgomery 2

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Sobriety is the gift that never stops giving. I wouldn’t trade my worst days sober for my best days high.

Corey Pitman

Corey Pitman

I am finally happy and satisfied with my life. I am now in a position to help others who are where I use to be.

Ricky Shoemaker

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I’m proud of my success so far in becoming a better man and being there for my children.

Patrick Herndon

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I have found a purpose, I’m working to be a recovery coach.

Stacey Cunningham

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Reach out to someone, reach out to God, he has a plan for you.

Carlene Cathey

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Never give up, the sky is the limit, you just have to work for it.

Jeremy Hoyles

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Today I feel great, I don’t think about how things were.

Tammara S.

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You must be ready in your heart. You will find a way to stay focused if you want it.

Gordon E.

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I was stubborn and thought I didn’t need any help.

Monique Woods

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I got another chance, and I’ve never looked back since.

Tameka W.

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I’m grateful now. I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore.

Byancha Lawson

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I had no clue my life would be what it is today. I’m so grateful Houston Recovery Center came into my life.

Raelyne S

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I left behind people, places, things that aided me in addiction and gave treatment one more attempt.

Charles Owens

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The things that make the big things possible are the little things. I’m most proud of the little things.

Horace W.

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I took solace knowing this is me taking care of myself and putting myself first.

Mervin Moore

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I slept on that bed (in the sobering center). God has allowed me to come full circle from where I started.