Top Cops
Every diversion counts. Every time.We wouldn’t have sobering center clients without the work of Houston’s law enforcement. We appreciate our officers.
To thank them for their support and recognize their dedication, we started the Top Cop program.
Officers with 100 or more diversions:
- Name is placed on a plaque in our sobering center
- A letter of commendation is sent to their Chief
- They receive a Houston Recovery Center Yeti cup.
We never know when a client will say “I am tired. I have had enough. I am ready for recovery.” It could be on the 1st diversion. It could be the 20th diversion. Each diversion allows our staff to get to know the client better and build their trust. Trauma and burned bridges characterizes many of our client’s lives. It can take 6 months or more before they begin to engage with staff and reveal issues they face. Thank you officers. Every diversion counts. Every time.
First 5 officers to achieve Top Cop status. Press Conference honoring them with Chief McClellan.