From the Street: What a Homeless Man Taught Me and My Dog

From the Street: What a Homeless Man Taught Me and My Dog

by Vicki Powers Urban living is a new experience for me after living in the Houston suburbs 20+ years. Walking my dog on the streets around my home reveals new things such as bus stops and homeless people. Not that there weren’t homeless people in the suburbs, but my...

The Empty Chair

The empty chair. It’s a term used in the recovery community that references a relative or friend missing from the dining table during celebrations due to their substance use. In my case, I had a family member who periodically passed out in their chair during family...

Compassion and Recovery

com·pas·sion, noun: sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it. Merriam-Webster Why does Houston Recovery Center’s logo include two hearts? One reason is compassion. We’ve all seen others struggle. Sometimes we ignore...