Eleven Project Reach clients received assistance after the winter storm, thanks to recent donor funding.
Over and over, staff heard clients share how their pipes burst and flooded their homes: one person’s roof fell in, others needed bathroom items because water was overflowing from the toilet. Many needed fans to help dry out the water.
Sheri Jackson, Douglas Hinton, Jackie Williams, and LaKeysha Carrier went shopping for the items as part of a department team-building exercise: Carrier, who completes data entry for the clients, most enjoyed the camaraderie the team shared shopping to take care of their clients.
“It made me feel a sense of satisfaction that I was helping meet significant needs in our clients’ lives,” Carrier relates.
The team purchased bedding, bath, household items, clothing, fans, cleaning products, and personal hygiene products. One client received a gift card for groceries.
“We love our clients, and it gave us a ‘feel-good’ moment because we wanted to help them,” says Sheri Jackson, Reach program manager. “It’s something that was needed, and we were able to do it.”
Williams and Hinton delivered the items to the clients personally. Williams, recovery support specialist, said their clients live on small fixed incomes, and some were in need before the winter storm.
“It was really tearful, tears of joy, delivering the items to the clients,” Williams relates. “It reminded me personally how grateful I am to have what I have.”
Hinton says it was an awesome feeling to help the clients with what they needed. “It put a smile on their faces, which makes me happy,” Hinton relates.